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Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of tillage systems and varieties on growth, yield and quality of wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The experiments conducted at two sites were laid out in a split-plot design with four replicates, three main plots [conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT) and minimum tillage (MT)] and four sub-plots ('Siette', 'Panifor', 'Myrto', 'Estero'). The soil porosity and total nitrogen were higher in soils subjected to conservation tillage systems (NT and MT) than under conventional tillage. There were no differences in root growth neither between the tillage systems nor among the varieties. Yield was influenced by the tillage system and variety. The highest grain yield (421-459 kg ha -1) was found under the CT system with 'Siette', 'Myrto' and 'Estero' varieties. In contrast, the highest grain yield was observed under conservation tillage (NT and MT) with 'Panifor' variety. There were no significant differences between the tillage systems concerning the protein content and Zeleny value. In contrast, the highest Hagberg falling number was found with MT. Zeleny value was positively and significantly correlated with protein content. High flour quality, as demonstrated by high protein content and Zeleny value, and low Hagberg falling number, was produced in the 'Estero' variety. |
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