heal.abstract |
The phylogenetic relationships among nine Drosophila species belonging to the obscura group were investigated by establishing the segments displaying banding homologies in their element B (equivalent to the U element of D. subobscura). The phylogenetic ordering of the species was accomplished using overlapping inversions. Two African species, D. kitumensis and D. microlabis, were investigated. These species are homosequential for their element B gene arrangement but differ from that of D. obscura by several rearrangements. Drosophila obscura seems to be most closely related to D. subsilvestris, from which the respective element B gene arrangements differ at least by six inversions. Three species, D. obscura, D. ambigua, and D. tristis, are closely related and form a cluster. Drosophila obscura displays an element B polymorphism for a pericentric inversion for which D. ambigua is fixed for one gene arrangement and D. tristis for the other. Both D. ambigua and D. tristis share a short distal inversion in the small arm of the chromosome, and differ in this respect from D. obscura. Drosophila madeirensis, D. guanche, and D. subobscura all share the same element B gene arrangement, which is acrocentric, but metacentric in all the other species mentioned. It was found that the gene arrangements of the species from the obscura cluster seem to occupy an intermediate position between those of the species of the D. subobscura cluster and those of the African one. The data reported generally are in good agreement with information provided in the literature. |
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