This paper attempt to study a particular form of a genial tourist development, the
agrotourism, in the borough of Kalavryta and also his contribution in the development
of the area. In this context there is an endeavour to outline the characteristics of
agrotouristic businesses and businessmen. The research largely lean on study of
elements in Kalavryta, Achaia. As is known the economy of the area depends mainly
on agriculture, livestock and tourism. The last decade with the assistance of
developmental programs, in region of search observed a significant development of
tourism. Nevertheless this development does not apply the agrotourism but the rural
tourism. This also follows from the results of this research, which show that a very
small percentage of owners of tourism businesses that enrolled in agrotourism
programs dealing with agriculture. The agrotourism exploitation in research do not
sufficiently meet the definition of Greek Organization for Standardization (ELOT)
nor contribute significantly to strength the structure of agricultural holdings. In
relevance with outcomes of businessmen and from research recorded that either the
agriculture neither the agrotouristic business are able to provide satisfactory levels of
income in households when they do not work combined, so the majority of
businessmen do not are satisfied with the current situation.As far as concerns the
trends that outline for the coming years, what is interesting is the responses of
businessmen on the wishes of their children with regard to their future employment.
Specifically, a very small percentage of children wishing to deal with agriculture and instead of this a large percentage seems to want to occupy with the agrotouristic
business in future.